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這一切都是關於持續的質量改進 - 您的員工,流程和結果 - 同時降低成本,為實驗室提供未來的增長並滿足患者的需求。多才多藝,有效且可靠的Vitros®自動化解決方案與Vitros結合®化學和免疫診斷係統可提供高質量的效果,比Vitros更快®僅係統 - 您的醫生會注意到差異。


  • Contuct Us


    The power of B•R•A•H•M•S with the difference that only VITROS® can deliver

    Sepsis is a life threatening condition where the body overreacts to an infection. B•R•A•H•M•S PCT is the best biomarker for early bacterial infection diagnosis and antibiotic stewardship.


    VITROS® HIV Combo Test

    It’s never too early to know. Your patients trust you to deliver reliable results. So, what are your testing protocols doing to inspire that confidence? Our HIV Combo test provides early detection of acute HIV-1 infection with class-leading 4th-generation antigen sensitivity combined with uncompromised specificity.

  • ORTHO Workstation

    A 2-in-1 blood testing system combining a centrifuge and incubator in a footprint of about 2 square feet. 70% more efficient* than a separate centrifuge and incubator.


    * Vs. Ortho BioVue® System Centrifuge and Ortho BioVue® System Heat Block.



    Delivering Complete, Flexible Solutions

    This wide-ranging menu includes a combination of manual reagents and automated reagents, allowing you to meet all your testing needs with one partner. So you can be confident that the immunohematology portfolio you use every day– across automation, column agglutination technology (CAT) or traditional tube testing – is available, effective and reactive.




    Traditional Reagents

    We offer a full line of traditional reagents designed for use with tube-based testing. Monoclonal antisera and antihuman globulin were pioneered by Ortho nearly 20 years ago with the proven BioClone® System of monoclonal antibodies. These reagents provide improved potency, reliability, economy and safety over polyclonal reagents.


    Reagent Red Blood Cells

    As the largest manufacturer of reagent red blood cells in the world, Ortho can offer labs a full line of reagent red blood cells that are accurate, flexible, effective and reactive. Our reagent red blood cells can be used across manual, semimanual and automated testing systems.

