紀念斯隆 - 凱特林癌症中心(MSKCC)和IBM已同意合作開發在IBM Watson建立的強大工具,以便為醫學專業人員提供改進的目前和全麵的癌症數據和實踐的機會。最終的決策支持工具將根據當前的證據為各地的醫生為患者提供個性化的癌症診斷和治療建議。
該計劃將將IBM Watson的計算能力及其自然語言處理能力與MSKCC的臨床知識,現有的分子和基因組數據以及癌症病例曆史的廣泛存儲庫相結合,以創建結果和基於證據的決策支持係統。目的是使腫瘤學家基於更新的研究,可以在任何能夠獲得詳細的診斷和治療方案的能力,這將幫助他們決定如何最好地照顧單個患者。
IBM Watson係統在電視測驗節目《危險》中擊敗了人類參賽者,從而聞名了!它可以解釋自然語言的查詢,並使用統計分析,高級分析和強大的處理器來搜索數百萬頁,並提供基於證據的統計級別響應。
MSKCC’s world-renowned oncologists will assist in developing IBM Watson to use a patient’s medical information and synthesize a vast array of continuously Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) and IBM have agreed to collaborate on the development of a powerful tool built upon IBM Watson in order to provide medical professionals with improved access to current and comprehensive cancer data and practices. The resulting decision support tool will help doctors everywhere create individualised cancer diagnostic and treatment recommendations for their patients based on current evidence. The initiative will combine the computational power of IBM Watson and its natural language processing ability with MSKCC’s clinical knowledge, existing molecular and genomic data and vast repository of cancer case histories, in order to create an outcome and evidencebased decision support system. The goal is to give oncologists located anywhere the ability to obtain detailed diagnosis and treatment options based on updated research that will help them decide how best to care for an individual patient. The IBM Watson system gained fame by beating human contestants on the television quiz show Jeopardy! It can interpret queries in natural language and uses statistical analysis, advanced analytics and a powerful array of processors to search millions of pages in seconds and deliver evidence-based statistically-ranked responses. MSKCC’s world-renowned oncologists will assist in developing IBM Watson to use a patient’s medical information and synthesize a vast array of continuously updated and vetted treatment guidelines, published research and insights gleaned from the deep experience of MSKCC clinicians to provide an individualised recommendation to physicians. The tool will also provide users with a detailed record of the data and evidence used to reach the recommendations.
“這種全麵的,基於循證的方法將通過以前所未有的速度加速改變實踐改變研究的方法來深刻地增強癌症護理,” MSKCC胸腔腫瘤服務部長Mark G. Kris博士說,這是領導的臨床醫生之一。發展工作。他指出,在專門的醫療中心沒有治療85%的癌症患者,腫瘤學的最新發展可能需要數年才能達到所有實踐環境。
首次應用程序已經在進行開發工作,其中包括肺,乳腺癌和前列腺癌。目的是在2012年底開始為一組精選的腫瘤學家試行解決方案,並計劃於2013年底進行更廣泛的分銷。這項合作補充了IBM和Fell Point的早期公告,即雙方將專注於將Watson專注於腫瘤學上。解決方案。